Workforce Development
Learn how to engage in workforce development and impact focused programs in this section and the Advocacy and Impact Section.
The Federal Government has a robust workforce development arm, which generally is concentrated in the United States Department of Labor. While you may not see specific climate focused programs coming out of this office, the funding here can certainly be utilized to support workforce development around new and emerging economies, specifically in the climate space.
The Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration (ETA) administers core and discretionary programs authorized by workforce innovation and opportunity act. It also authorizes programs for specific vulnerable populations, including the Job Corps, YouthBuild, Indian and Native American Program, the Reentry Employment Opportunities (REO) program, and Migrant and Seasonal Farmworker programs.
The following programs all have application and relevance to climate work, and are all part of the aforementioned ETA program.
Explore Current DOL Grants and Grantees
Workforce development funding is often most accessible via state and local government funding. Partnering with local and state government agencies is often key to leveraging these funds.
Additionally, many agencies both, federal and state, have very specific workforce development programs, here are a few notable ones related to the climate space;
This effort funds Sector-based regional partnerships, research and development of workforce programs, transition planning, regional economic and workforce planning, and technical assistance.
NIFA helps build rural and community prosperity through research, education, and extension, in collaboration with the Regional Rural Development Centers, their many partners in the land-grant university system, and in communities across the country. NIFA promotes workforce development and employability through national program leadership, funding for integrated research, education, and extension activities, and strategic partnerships and collaborations.
Such efforts help provide workers and entrepreneurs with the skills and training necessary to meet the evolving needs of rural businesses, communities and new markets, thus enhancing a region's economic stability and prosperity.
This program is designed to provide technical assistance and training for small rural businesses. Small means that the business has fewer than 50 new workers and less than $1 million in gross revenue.
The Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) delivers additional financial assistance to a national network of MBDA Business Centers and Specialty Centers. The funding provides resources for education, training, and advising small and minority business enterprises in their recovery from the effects of the COVID-19 crisis.
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